Excel Snippets

Article Contents
Excel VBA Len Function - Description
Syntax of the VBA Len function
Arguments that are required
Notes about usage
Example 1: How to use Excel VBA Len function with string expressions
Example 2: How to use Excel VBA Len function with variant expressions
Example 3: How to apply an Excel VBA Len function to an Excel spreadsheet
Example 4: Using Excel VBA Len with non-string data types
Example 5: How to use Excel VBA LenB function

VBA Len Function

Excel VBA Len function returns the number of characters in a string (length), including blank spaces, or bytes to store the variable type.



The VBA Len function accepts one argument, as described below.


Expression - string, string variable or variant

Notes about usage:

  1. If Expression is a zero-length string (""), then a value of zero (0) is returned.
  2. If a non-string variable is entered, then the bytes used to store that variable type is returned.
  3. In most cases, a Variant variable is treated as a string and the number of characters is returned. One exception is when a variant variable has all zeroes to the right of a decimal point. In this case, the number is treated as a whole (integer) number.
  4. Len returns the number of characters as a Long Integer value when measuring the length of a string or variant.
  5. Len returns the bytes to store a variable as an Integer value when the argument is any valid VBA data type other than string or variant.
  6. If the expression is the string itself, rather than a variable, then it must be set off by double quotes.

How to use Excel VBA Len function with string expressions

Dim str1 as string

str1 = "Annabelle is asleep."

Msgbox Len("Annabelle is asleep")

MsgBox Len(str1)

' Both return 20

Len accepts as an argument either a variable name in which is stored a string expression or the string itself, set off by double quotes. If the expression is a string, then the number of characters are returned. This count includes any blank spaces.

How to use Excel VBA Len function with variant expressions

Dim X as Variant

X = 1234#

MsgBox Len(X)


The Len function also accepts a variant variable as an argument. In most cases, the value is converted to a string as is and the number of characters is returned. One exception is when the variable is set equal to a numeric value with a decimal point having all zeros to the right of the decimal point.

In this example, X is first set equal to 1234.00, which is then stored as 1234#. Here, Len only counts characters up to the #, but does not count #, and returns a value of four (4). Next, X is set equal to 1234.01. This number is converted to a string retaining the decimal point and all integers to the right. Len returns a value of seven (7).

How to apply an Excel VBA Len function to an Excel spreadsheet

Dim str1 as String

str1 = Len(Cells(1, 1)

MsgBox str1

str1 = Len(Range("A1"))

MsgBox str1

Cells(1,2) = Len(Cells(1,1))

VBA Len can also interact with an Excel spreadsheet. In this example, the length of the value in the spreadsheet cell at A1 is recorded in the cell next to it, Cells(1, 2). We can access the contents of cells using with either the R1C1 notation or the A1 notation. See Interact with an Excel Spreadsheet.

Interact with Excel spreadsheets using VBA Len function
Ways to use Len function when interacting with a spreadsheet

Here the R1C1 notation was used to store the value in the cell to the immediate right of "excelsnippets.com," while the A1 notation stores that same value in the cell next to it on the right.

Using Excel VBA Len with non-string data types

Dim I As Integer

Dim J As Long

Dim X1 As Boolean

Dim Y1 As Single

Dim Z1 As Double

MsgBox Len(I)

' Returns 2

MsgBox Len(J)

' Returns 4

MsgBox Len(X1)

' Returns 2

MsgBox Len(Y1)

' Returns 4

MsgBox Len(Z1)

' Returns 8

Originally Excel VBA LenB was the function used to measure the bytes required to store a variable, and it is still available. But Len will also return the bytes for non-string variables.

How to use Excel VBA LenB function

Dim str1 as string


MsgBox Len(str1)

' Returns 17

MsgBox LenB(str1)

' Returns 34

The difference between Len and LenB is that Len returns the length of a string or variant, while LenB returns the bytes required to store a string or variant. For all other data types, they behave the same. The length of "excelsnippets.com" is seventeen (17) characters.

Note: Neither Len or LenB can accept Object or Array data types. Using either of these two data types will generate an error message and program execution will stop. They can, however, accept the elements of an array (individually). For example, Len(arr) will return an error message for arr() dimensioned as a variant array, but will return a value for arr(1) or any other element of the array.

See Also:

Excel VBA Variables

Excel VBA Data Types

Interact with an Excel Spreadsheet