Excel Snippets

Conditional Operators and Wildcards

Relationship Operators|Logical Operators|Wild Cards

VBA conditional operators are used to test whether certain conditions are met and, based on the result, actions will either be taken or not. These operators are an integral component of Control Flow Statements, which are discussed in the next two sections. Relationship operators are used to compare two variables, while logical operators compare two objects.

Wildcards are used along with Conditional Statements as part of pattern recognition tests to specify that any character or range of characters should be matched on.

Relationship Operators

<Less than
Less than or equal to
>Greater than
Greater than or equal to
<>Not equal to

Relationship Operator

Sub relationshipOperatorExample()
Dim X, Y as integer

X = 2

Y = 2

If X = Y Then

MsgBox "Match found"


MsgBox "Not equal"

End If

End Sub

In this example, "Match found" is returned. If the value of X is changed and Y is left unchanged, then "Not equal" will be returned.

Logical Operators

NotNegates the logical sense of the condition being tested
AndTest whether two conditions are both true
OrTest whether one (or both) of two conditions are true
XorTest whether exactly one of two conditions are true
IsTest if two objects are the same
LikeCompares a string for a match with a subset of the pattern in another string

Logical operator

Sub logicalOperatorExample()
Dim ws As Worksheet

' Set ws = ActiveSheet

If ws Is Nothing Then

MsgBox "Not Assigned"


MsgBox "Assigned"

MsgBox ws.Name

End If

End Sub

In this example, the worksheet object ws is not set, as the Set statement has been commented out using a single quote at the beginning of the statement. When the subroutine is run, "Not assigned" is returned. If we remove the comment indicator (single quote) and re‑run, "Assigned" is returned along with the name of the active worksheet.

The VBA keyword Nothing is used with object variables to represent the NULL value.

Wild Cards

VBA wild cards are used for pattern matching when comparing strings. A wildcard is a symbol used to replace one or more characters in a string. For example, He* will find and match on Hear, Her, Hello, Hey, Heaven. He? Will only match on Her and Hey, since ? replaces only one character.

Wild CardMatches on
?Any single character
*Zero or more characters
#Any single digit (0-9)
[ charlist ]Any single character in charlist
[! charlist ]Any single character not in charlist

Spreadsheet data for wildcard examples using conditional statements

Consider the data in the above worksheet where is listed the first and last names of seven individuals, a unique ID for each, and their monthly income. This spreadsheet will be used below to show examples of using conditional operators and wildcards.

Use Like and * to find names beginning with a specified letter

In the first example below, VBA will find everyone whose last name begins with an "R" using the Like operator and a Do Loop.

Sub wildcardExample_1()
Dim k As Integer

k = 1


k = k + 1

If Cells(k, 1) = "" Then Exit Do

If Range("B" & k).Value Like "R*" Then

Range("B" & k).Font.Color = vbRed

End If


End Sub

A counter k is initialized to 1 before the loop begins. At the beginning of each iteration, k is incremented by 1 and is used to indicate the row in the spreadsheet, so the first iteration inside the loop will inspect row 2. With each loop, a check is made to determine when the end of the data has been reached, and when it has an Exit Loop command ends the iterations, thus preventing an infinite loop.

Using the Like operator, we compare the first letter of the last name designated by "R*" and with each match, we change the font color of that name to red.

Use Like operator and a wildcard to find the first letter of a name

Use Like and ? to find names beginning with specified letters and of fixed length

Sub wildcardExample_2()
Dim k As Integer

k = 1


k = k + 1

If Cells(k, 1) = "" Then Exit Do

If Range("C" & k).Value Like "Mar?" Then

Range("C" & k).Interior.Color = vbCyan

End If


End Sub

Here VBA finds all first names that start with Mar and are followed by only one character, then colors their cells in cyan.

Use Like and a wildcard to find string pattern of fixed length

Use Like and * to find names with a beginning and ending pattern

Sub wildcardExample_3()
Dim k As Integer

For j = 2 To 8

If Range("C" & k).Value Like "L*nda" Then

Range("C" & k).Interior.Color = vbYellow

End If

Next j

End Sub

In this example, VBA finds all first names that start with L and end with nda, and colors their cells in yellow. Any number of characters at the beginning and end can be used.

Use Like and wildcards to find strings with a beginning and ending pattern

Use Like with ? And [*] to find names with a range of letters

Sub wildcardExample_4()
Dim j As Integer

For j = 2 To 8

If Range("B" & k).Value Like "?[i-k]*" Then

Range("A" & k).Interior.Color = vbGreen

End If

Next j

End Sub

Here VBA finds all last names whose second character is i, j or k and colors their ID cell in green. Using a For Loop requires specifying the values of the counter j to step through, but requires no futher statements inside the loop to check on the end of records.

Use Like and a wildcard to find numerical data less than some amount

Use Like and [*] to find patterns at the beginning of an amount or a string, allowing for upper and lower case

Sub wildcardExample_5()
Dim j As Integer

For j = 2 To 8

If Range("D" & j).Value Like "[0‑3]*" Then

Range("A" & j & ":D" & j).Interior.Color = vbMagenta

End If


If Range("B" & j).Value Like "[J‑K,j‑k]*" Then

Range("A" & j).Interior.Color = vbGreen

End If

Next j

End Sub

In this example, VBA first finds all income less tahn $4,000 and colors the row of data in magenta. Next, it finds all lastnames that start with J or K and allows for lower case matching as well. The IDs of the matches are colored in green. Note that VBA first colored Cells(8,1) as magenta, but on the second check changed the color to green.

Use Like and two wildcard conditions to color rows and certain cells